Sunday, June 2, 2024

Paramount Ranch Oh My!

Our timing was perfect for a hike on the Coyote Trail at Paramount Ranch.  The flowers were doing their thing like I've never seen before (thank you rains!).  There was a bad fire there six years ago (The Woolsey Fire) and you can still see burned trees but truly nature has taken over and this spring created a flower explosion where every flower was in bloom all at once, the birds and bees were flying all around and everything was alive exalting in their beautiful existence.

Our Sunday hike took us to the Pasadena area for the Gabrielino Trail.  There is still water there.  Take a listen:

After our hike we had a delicious Greek lunch at Cafe Santorini in Pasadena.  On our way out I saw this door and had to have a photo with it.  Ha!  What a fun weekend!

1 comment:

jabatebarrett said...

Absolutely beautiful!