Sunday, May 20, 2012

Wellness Works Art Show

What a lovely night at Barnsdall Park.  Art From The Ashes hosted an art event paired with a food and wine tasting and silent auction to raise money to build wellness centers in the public schools.

This girl mariachi band was muy bueno!

Me with my print based on a picture from the book I'm holding.  It strikes me funny that I used a picture of solid matter and made it all girly by etching a heart in to it.

Vince and his piece, frozen in time...

Rebecca sold both of her color collages - you go girl!

I call this picture " two girls with meat sticks"...

Group shot of the artists.

And the hostest with the mostest...Joy Feuer and the lovely Lydia Hall.  These women are so talented it makes me weep.  Love being involved with Art From The Ashes.

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